Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just some thoughts

I keep thinking about this. I hope it doesn't come across crude, but Why aren't there pregnancy tests for men? I mean, you always hear men saying things like "We're pregnant!" Which bugs the crap out of me, because either those men are really stupid, or I am missing something. I have only had 2 kids, but they both were carried by Fae. I am sure that she was always the pregnant one, I don't think I took a turn being pregnant for even a moment. Was I supposed to? Crap! Support and togetherness in the decision and the responsibility of the baby doesn't mean that both people are pregnant. Unless they are..??.. But then I come back to the original question, if men can be pregnant, where are the tests for us?

Now that I think about it, I don't think it specifically says anything about it being only for women on the package.... Oh shoot, my whole world is turning in on itself...

1 comment:

elesa said...

I think people often say "WE'RE pregnant", because it sounds nicer than saying "I got my wife pregnant and now she is going to get fat and I am going to have to be her slave and a victim of her erratic mood swings."

"We're pregnant" just rolls off the tongue better.