I'm just not afraid of ghosts anymore. I used to be terrified, but I just can't be afraid of them anymore. Here's the problem: I have never ever heard of a ghost attacking ANYBODY. I mean, sure, there are scary ghost movies where the ghosts get people, but in real life nobody has ever claimed ghost attack. I know what you are thinking: "How long has it been since I have had a cookie? Has it been long enough for me to have another one without guilt?" Well, STOP THINKING THAT!! We are talking about ghost attacks here!! Or rather, we are talking about the non-existence of ghost attacks.
I am sure that you think I am just being silly, but I assure you that I am not. I know that you think that just because no one has claimed it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Well, I'm sorry that you think that. You must be pretty dumb. I am obviously right, just by virtue that I know a LOT about ghosts. Let's make a little comparison here: Aliens. That's right! I said it!! Aliens. Nobody can even agree about whether they exist or not, and how many people claim that they have been abducted?! Like a million. A million people every year claim to have been abducted by aliens and taken to their spaceship and had tea with their leader. Now I ask you again, how many people have claimed ghost attack?
The answer is: none. That's right, Paraclese, none.
The truth is that ghosts DO exist, as opposed to aliens, who don't. Ghosts simply don't care about the living. And why would they? You don't have anything they want. They don't need to eat or buy things or talk on the telephone. They probably spend most of their time break-dancing, or going to movies.
You know, I just had a thought: Maybe ghosts ARE aliens???? Maybe when you die, you turn into an alien.. That would explain a lot.
Why am I still typing, I need to find a panda.
Saratoga Springs Temple - March 7
19 hours ago
You know, that is so funny. I was just thinking the SAME thing. I need a Panda, like, yesterday.
But in other news, I still find myself scared of ghosts. And not scared of aliens. Probably because of the existing versus not existing argument that you laid out earlier. Maybe I should say, I am scared of ghost movies, but not of alien movies, except for "Fire in the Sky" about a guy abducted by aliens. That movie haunted me for months. Scariest movie I ever saw. But then "The Ring" scared me so bad that I no longer watch scary movies at all because of it, and I used to kind of like them. So anyway, Aliens vs. Ghosts is a very interesting topic and always food for thought. But not food for zombies, who always SAY they like brains, but I think it is really just a publicity ploy.
Ok, you're right Lance, you're post really did make want a cookie, but not because I was getting distracted, truly. I was right on topic the whole time. I just kept thinking, "Lance is one strange cookie." And how can you think cookie and not want one? How, I ask you?!!
I'm going to use my Word Verification word in this comment. Lance, you're almost making sigso here, which makes me a little worried. Sisgo and Lance are not compatible.
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