Cameo is a person that I know by way of having been introduced to her and now I work with her and talk to her. Oh, and there is some family connection somewhere.
She wrote this post:
I was going to comment on her post, but I thought it would be more confusing, and thus more fun if I wrote my own post explaining my choice: This is that post: And here is another colon for good measure: I wanted to put a colon-cleansing joke in here but they were all horrible, or stupid, or horribly stupid:::
I would absolutely, without a moments hesitation, hire a wizard. White or Gray, I'll take whatever I can get. Ya, a cook would be nice, a maid would be great. But at the end of the day I can cook for myself. I mean, how hard is it to pour a bowl of marshmallow mateys, or microwave some popcorn. Also, I can clean. I don't. But I could if I wanted to. Stop rolling your eyes, you don't clean either. But using the same logic that Dwight Schrute has used: I can't summon my own army of boulder hurling trees, or tell a moth to bring me a large eagle to fly away on. I can barely begin to imagine my productivity if I had a quick quotes quill, but I don't. But a wizard could do that stuff for me.
I just realized. I really like Harry Potter, but when you compare him to Gandalf, Harry seems more like the Luke Skywalker of wizardry. Kind of whiny and overall not very useful. Gandalf would be like a mix between Yoda and Obi-wan. I mean, If I were in a dark alley, I could probably handle Harry, but I would run at the site of Gandalf. Although to be fair, Voldemort would have probably wet himself at the site of Gandalf. I know that's a little.. over the top, but hey, it's the truth man! Let's be honest here. That's probably why they don't talk about Gandalf much in the HP books. He just would have made everyone else seem lame.
Edit: Although I bet Gandalf and Dumbledore would have been pals. Which is the inspiration for a poll!! Yay, a poll!
Saratoga Springs Temple - March 7
19 hours ago
Wow, you wrote a lot of things today.
It sounds like you felt the way I did, that Gandalf would be the winner. I would like to see that wizard's duel though.
"Stop rolling your eyes, you don't clean either."
There is a sad but funny truth to that statement. Guilty as charged.
I'm still trying to decide if it would make more sense to hire a wizard, or BE a wizard. Either way, magic at my disposal would sure be nice.
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