Hi. I am not a mac or a pc. I am a person. Also, I am growing very suspicious of those mac vs pc commercials for two reasons. Number 1, I don't believe that those two guys are computers. I think they are just guys. Number 2, real nerds know that the term "pc" is not synonymous with Windows. You can run all kinds of things on a "pc" that aren't windows. In Fact, you can even run OS X (Mac's OS) on a "pc" if you really want to.
Let's forget about that for now. The real reason I am writing this post is this: I have grown weary of hearing people throw the word "investment" around. It just drives me crazy. So many people trying to make themselves feel better about spending money by calling it something else. Sorry, dumb-heads, but you are dumb.
The dictionary that I found online listed this as a definition of investment: The investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
I happen to feel strongly that this is the correct use of the word. Investing in something is when you put your money into it in the hopes that you will gain more money out of it later on. A house can be an investment, because houses normally increase in value. A computer is not an investment. I don't care how much money it will help you make, its own value will not increase. A car is normally NOT an investment unless you are some collector who is able to sell the car later for much more than you paid.
I just get so sick of hearing people say "I invested in that digital photo frame." NO! You didn't invest in anything! You took your hundred bucks and spent it! Which is fine! Really, I am a big fan of people buying things which keeps money circulating, which is how the economy functions. Spend away! I like buying toys and things. I like buying things that help me be more productive, but that's simply not an investment.
Ok, well. I am sure that people will disagree with me. But I don't care, because I am a super-villain, and in proper super-villain fashion, I have already made up my mind and won't change it! Eat that batman!!
I'm hungry now, maybe I will go invest some money in a hamburger. I can barely even stand to say that in mockery. Gosh!
-- End of Transmission --
Saratoga Springs Temple - March 7
19 hours ago
Hear Hear! Bravo! Amen! You are correct as usual. And I am so glad you wrote something new, because when I check your blog and there is nothing new to read it makes me feel so alone.
Your wrong about the PC and Mac, however. Those aren't guys. They are the essences of Windows and Mac OS in their corporeal forms, trying to reach us on a level we lowly humans can understand.
I'm sorry! I meant you're wrong. That is my least favorite spelling error, and I committed it!
I also agree with you, which you know already since you and I have discussed this before.
What is really funny to me is that Elesa responded 3 times. Ha ha
I just wanna make fun of E cause she spelled "wrong" wrong. ha ha.
No I didn't. What are you talking about? What is he talking about? Does anyone know what he is talking about?
People you are not having a conversation on Lance's blog. People have conversations with voices, mouths, gestures. You can even have a conversation on IM or chat or a message board. Not on a blog post! Maybe YOU ALL are essences of OSs or something, but I am not.
Good day sir!
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