This post is not about anything typed above. That was just stuff that I have been wanting to say for a long time, but I didn't think the world was ready for it.
I still haven't started writing about what I intended to write about, so stop distracting me! Ok, here it is:

Boydell and I bought two of these dune buggies. Mine is black and Boydell's is Yellow like a dandelion. We got them put together and finally went out to five mile pass to test them out. They are so much fun!! The have really high clearance and independent suspension so they are pretty cool.

Well, I am out of words to type. So there.
I think it is significant that you compared boydell's dune buggy to a dandy lion. So what is yours black like? Your SOUL???
Harsh. I cry tears of sadness.
it feels like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of boiling tears… and at the same time, somebody else is hitting my soul in the crotch with a frozen sledgehammer… and then a third guy walks in and starts punching me in the grief bone… and I’m crying, and nobody can hear me, because I’m terribly, terribly… terribly alone.
I will admit that many people make me laugh. I find humor in the words of witty people, it is true. Sometimes I find myself laughing out loud while sitting at a computer reading the blog of such witty people.
However, Lance makes it an art. Your ramblings cause a tickle at my core that is like none other.
I wish I had blinked at the same moment the sun went down over the IDL. Since there is no going back, I'll have to live with the concequences.
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