Everybody likes treasure hunting. Even your grandma likes it. I know this because every human on the planet is required by law to love treasure hunting. Look it up.
Being that I am a law-abiding, tax-paying, lawn-mowing, email-forwarding, upstanding citizen, I love treasure hunting just as much as the next guy. Not more, not less, but just as much. Actually, no! I love treasure hunting MORE than the next guy. He's a jerk anyway. I wish he would give my elevator shoes back! I'll get you, next guy!!
Anyway, back to treasure. So I have heard about geocaching for years, but I finally decided to try it, and convinced Boydell, Faralee, Charlie, and Fae to try it as well.
We were all on our way back from Las Vegas, and Charlie had a new GPS so we decided to look for a couple of caches. Our first find was at the South Point hotel. We searched everywhere and even caught the interest of the hotel security. Right as we found the cache, They pulled up in their official security golf carts and grilled us about what we were doing there. We told them what geocaching was and showed them the cache, and since we hadn't done anything remotely wrong, they said "ok" and we left. We were all worried that they might remove the cache since they now knew about it, but we checked several days later and people had continued to find it after our visit. So, all is well that ends well. And for me things end when they are out of my immediate attention.
Well, we found a few more in Las Vegas and a couple in wendover, or mesquite, I can't remember. Anyway, I am hooked!! As of this writing, I have found 36 caches and placed 3.
If you would like to find my caches, The links are below. Also, you will have to create an account to see the coordinates, but that is free, so no problem.
Red Fountain
Hedwig's Cache
Wolf Hollow
Also, If you are looking for a good GPS, I recommend the Garmin eTrex Venture HC. I have that one and it is excellent for geocaching. I bought mine at Cabella's, as they had the best prices in the valley, also the largest selection.
Note to Cabella's: If you read this, you can send me a pizza or a box of chocolates, cause look, I plugged you guys for free. That's just the kind of guy I am.
Saratoga Springs Temple - March 7
20 hours ago
You know, I ran into the Next Guy, and it IS wrong that he took your elevator shoes, but they really look fantastic on him, so don't be too mad. I want to cache your Geo's, but it's all so new, and I'm a little scared!
You mow lawns????? Wow!! Oh wait, I don't believe you. Just because you say you mow lawns on some blog doesn't make it true.
Haha Firefox doesn't know blog is a word. It also doesn't know Firefox is a word. Now I am getting worried.
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