Hi. Sorry I haven't written anything for a while, Elesa. Anyway, it's just because blogging is stupid, and I haven't wanted to do it ever again, until now.
Ok, blackberry. I have really liked your phones and been a really big fan. My pearl was so cool!! I always told people how cool you were. Until now. Now I have one word for you: SHUT UP.
I get so sick of companies like blackberry that think they are so freaking innovative when they try to reinvent something that already exists and affix their name to it somehow. If I hear blackberry talk about their BBMs, I am going to send them an actual BBM. It's a text. The word is "Text" or more specifically "Text Message."
Everyone knows what a BM is. It's a very personal thing that I will not discuss here, since this blog is known for its sensitivity and class... Poop. It's poop. Specifically a bodily function that moves the poop from inside a person to ... not inside them. BBM is a very LARGE version of this. Probably most notably those of elephants, or hippos.
Ok, I feel much better now...
Saratoga Springs Temple - March 7
7 hours ago
Thank you. I really don't want to hear blackberry talk about it's bbms any more.
You handled that with such class and sensitivity!
I really have no idea what you were talking about, but now I know how to discuss Elephant waste in mixed company without offending the guests!
and i giggled a lot
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